Within's first piece of serialized content, “The Possible” is a five-part documentary series, in partnership with GE, that attempts to bring the viewer into places inaccessible to the public, to discover how scientists and inventors developed breakthroughs. Each episode focuses on a different industry, ranging from robotics to space travel to hoverboards.
The episodes of The Possible were directed by David Gelb (Chef's Table, Jiro Dreams of Sushi), Zach Richter & Justin Denton. The series is currently being released on the Within VR platform for Gear VR, Rift, Vive & Cardboard.
"I didn't believe VR was the future — Until now" - Laura Entis, FORTUNE [on The Possible Series]
Clip from Ep. 2 "Listening to the Universe"
Director(s) David Gelb (Ep. 1, 3, 5), Zach Richter (Ep. 4) & Justin Denton (Ep. 2)
Creative Directors Chris Milk & Zach Richter
Executive Producers June Cohen, Aaron Koblin, Patrick Milling Smith, Sam Storr, Fredrik Frizell, Annie Hanlon
Producer Jonny Ahdout
Music McKenzie Stubbert